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No maintenance activities are to be undertaken where the activity is likely to impact on the enjoyment of other Marina users or the coastal marine environment. If you are unsure if potential works are appropriate or allowed, it is essential that you contact the Marina Administration during working hours and ask for guidance –
Maintenance works should be conducted from within the confines of the vessel and should not be undertaken on the walkway or finger pier of any berth. All contracted tradesmen must conduct their work in accordance with all rules and regulations including the relevant OSH legislation and Marina Rules. All Contractors must carry their own third-party liability insurance and ship repairers’ insurance (as appropriate).
A copy of this insurance policy is to be provided to the marina prior to any contractor commencing works. The responsibility lies with the vessel owner to first confirm that the contractor has suitable third-party Insurance cover and existing approved access to the marina using a contractor fob.
From Feb 01 2025 must complete the BBYC Marina Induction Form before arriving at BBYC.
The contractor registration process is as follows:
- Complete the Health & Safety Induction form from Feb 01 2025.
- Providing evidence of their insurance and ship repairers insurance.
- Complete a Hot work Permit if required.
Once this is completed you are required to sign in at the Clubhouse office for health and safety regulations. Contractors found to be on the Marina without following the above procedures risk the chance of having access removed to the Marina.

Prohibited in Marina
- Sand or Grit Blasting
- Spray Painting
- Repairs that turn into major repairs
- Complete tenting of a vessel
- Any hot work – Welding or Angle Grinding, or power cutting of steel – contact Marina for a Hot Work permit.
- Major Laminate or major fiberglass repairs
Only Minor Maintenance
Is to be undertaken in the Marina and includes works such as: (this list is a sample only of items that could be completed)
- Engine servicing/Oil change
- Boat Cleaning or Polishing
- Air-conditioning repair or servicing
- Electrical or Plumbing repairs
- Brush painting; only during calm weather conditions to a total area of less than 3 meters square (3m²)
- External Power Sanding may only be conducted with a suitable extraction device (manufacturer attached) and or hand sanding only on a small area of not more than 3m² in total, and not for a total period in excess of more than 30 minutes.

Prohibited Action
- Materials cannot be stored on the walkway or finger piers.
- No materials or substances created from repair or maintenance activities are to be allowed to enter the marine environment (including dust).
- There is to be no dumping of large items of unwanted hardware in the rubbish bins. If you have large items to dispose of, please make suitable arrangements to dispose of the larger items.
- Trolleys should not be used to carry/transport oils, paints, resins, epoxies without suitable protection from spills such as a liner.
The Marina may stop any works it deems not of a minor nature or is interfering unreasonably with other users of the Marina, or that does not comply with this policy. Any damage to other vessels, the Marina pontoons or any other property is the responsibility of the person conducting the maintenance.