All berth users must comply with the Marina and Club rules and Code of Conduct and are expected to behave in a safe and considerate manner.
The Club and Marina are required to comply with Health & Safety regulations. Any marina user must comply with the regulations outlined below.
All vessels berthed in the marina are required to have maritime insurance and must provide the Marina office with the certificate of insurance, that must carry a minimum of at least $5 million public liability insurance.
Any damage to other vessels, the Marina structure itself, or any other property is the responsibility of the vessel owner.
Mooring Lines
Mooring lines are the vessel owners’ responsibility and ned to be appropriate for the size of the vessel. A minimum of 16mm diameter with 20mm for larger vessels is required.
Mooring lines are to be attached directly to the marina fittings.
No metal fittings are to be used to attach mooring lines to the docks.
The Club will advise vessel owners if they notice mooring lines that need replacing, and if not replaced within 10 days, they reserve the right to change these and bill the vessel owner for new lines and installation fees.
Fire and electrocution are one of the biggest potential marina hazards. Electrical compliance must be always adhered to in the Marina.
There is to be no use of any electrical equipment without a current tagged lead. The Club holds the right to disconnect your power connection if non-compliant.
For unattended power connections, vessels are required to have a current EWOF and this must be provided to the Club and displayed onboard so that they are visible from the pier.
All vessel owners using a contractor are responsible for ensuring:
- The contractor is carrying their own third-party insurance, and that this has been supplied to the office prior to any work being commenced. Access will not be granted to piers for contractors until all their paperwork has been supplied.
- They have completed the BBYC Health & Safety Induction form online (Coming in January 2025)
- They must use their allocated contractor key fob, not an owner’s key fob, to access and exit the pier.
If contractors are not already registered with the Club, they are to be referred to the office.
All vessel owners are responsible for any damage that their contractor incurs to any vessel or the Marina structure.